
Watch “Silent Night” by Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato has performed her song “Silent Night” acoustically and it’s a Christmas gift for the fans. Now this is a big song for the 23-year old as she gives her fans a Christmas gift every year. This year, the gift is “Silent Night” performance. Although Demi has been giving her fans a Christmas gift […]


Music Video Review: “Tell Me You Love Me” by Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato has premiered the official music video for her recent single “Tell Me You Love Me”. In the music video, Demi goes through the worst breakup one could possibly imagine. “Tell Me You Love Me” music video premiered today on VEVO. Within a few hours of being available, the music video has gathered a […]

demi lovato neon lights

Demi Lovato will be releasing new music this year

Demi Lovato has been making fans wait for her new music but now the wait is almost over. Demi has announced that she will be releasing songs off her album this year, starting in summer. This will be her fifth album and it will hit stores sometimes late this year. Demi Lovato believes that this […]

HURTS - Miracle

Phil’s Top 100 Music Singles of 2013: #60 – #41

With forty songs already covered, let’s get into the top sixty, with numbers 60 through to 41. 60. Bellowhead – ‘Roll The Woodpile Down’ (Released: February, didn’t chart) Around for the best part of a decade, this second single from their ‘Broadside’ album grabbed my attention with its catchy folk-indie-pop vibe that fitted neatly onto […]