Lyrics of Pink’s Whole Album ‘Beautiful Trauma’

Pink has already given us  a taste of the her album called Beautiful Trauma through two already released singles:“What About Us,” and “Beautiful Trauma.” This is her seventh studio album, with her first ‘The Truth About Love’ released in 2012. The album received a massive response and topped 2012’s top charts. Throughout her entire carrier, Pink has […]

Interpol ‘Interpol’ – Album Review

Interpol – Interpol When they released debut album Turn On The Bright Lights back in 2002, New York’s Interpol were regarded as the kings of the post-punk movement – intellectual and knowing lyrics combined with jagged guitar lines and atmospheric soundscapes to create an early contender for album of the decade. Since then, the law […]

L-event EP

EP stream: Autechre – ‘L-event’

Electronic pioneers Autechre have made their brand new EP ‘L-event’ available to stream for a limited time. The EP is set for release on 28 October and is the first new material from the Warp Records legends. Being the trailblazing boundary-pushers that they are, Autechre have come up with a slightly different take on the […]

Revolution EP

Stream Diplo’s new ‘Revolution EP’ in full

LA producer Diplo is back with the follow-up to the successful ‘Express Yourself’ EP with ‘Revolution’, a six-track EP that features guest slots from the likes of Action Bronson, Mike Posner and Travis Porter amongst many others. The accompanying press blurb for the EP states quite matter of factly that ‘Diplo has produced one of […]

Magnetic Man album review

Magnetic Man album review To some, dubstep’s emergence from the underground to the bright lights of the mainstream is a signal that the music scene has finally run out of ideas.  This hybrid genre, mixing elements of grime, drum n bass, techno, garage, trance, hip-hop and a whole lot more, feels like the well of […]