
The Best Ways To Listen To Live Music Online

The Internet has undoubtedly transformed the music industry and radically altered the way we consume music. From mp3’s and cloud storage to buying music streaming subscriptions, the way we interact with music has changed forever. While all that may be good for us ‘consumers’, it’s not been a barrel of laughs for industry types and […]

Music Festival Smartphone

Improve Your Festival Experience With Your Smartphone

Festival season is here, and millions of music lovers are getting ready to head to their favourite festivals this summer. Smartphones are on the list to bring to be able to capture all the fun moments. However, smartphones top the list of one of the items most at risk of getting lost, damaged, or stolen whilst […]

Download 2014

Has Download lost its edge?

This post is more of an open question than a definitive piece, because I know there’s bigger and more knowledgeable metal-heads than me out there! I ask the question because, as the headliners for Download were being announced earlier this week, I couldn’t remember a weaker looking set of headliners for the UK’s premier ROCK […]