Music: Wolfette – ‘Risk For You’

I first came across Wolfette last year when she was getting a bit of buzz for being distantly related to Virginia Woolf and released warmly received singles ‘Different Story’, ‘Waiting For The Explosion’ and ‘Trophy Girl’. Now it’s time for Wolfette (Dominque Woolf to her mum) to kick on and make a name for herself beyond the blogosphere and the insulated London music scene – and to that end here she is with new single ‘Risk For You’:

Released on 28 May, ‘Risk For You’ is a turbo-charged electro-pop lovesong full of attitude and a skyscraping chorus which recalls the likes of Ladyhawke and Little Boots. On this form Wolfette might just be the next big pop star we’re all crying out for…

UPDATE – 4/5/2012

Wolfette has now released the video for ‘Risk For You’ – check it out here:

Post Author: Luke Glassford

All-Noise was founded in 2010 with just one simple aim – to highlight and celebrate ‘proper music’, made by real people with real musical inspirations.