Vanessa Carlton has premiered “Young Heart” on April 20, which is a milestone is for Vanessa Carlton considering that she hasn’t released a song in years. In fact, this is her first offering since “Rabbits on the Run” in 2011.
The Pennsylvania singer will be releasing her fifth studio album “Liverman” by the end of this year. The album will be released independently but the bad news is that “Young Heart” won’t be included in this album. The singer has announced that this track will only be a pre-single offering only a taste of her new music. Since fans haven’t heard anything from her in past 4 years, Vanessa Carlton believes it will help her music as well as fans get an idea what she is going to offer them this year with her new album. She has already completed recording of her upcoming album between Nashville and england. Steve Osborne, Adan Landry and John McCauley assisted her with recording.
Vanessa Carlton has changed her music from what you heard previously from her. She is not going to do “A Thousand Miles” anymore as she is now exploring indie and she loves it. There is every chance that she’d continue with that. Her new found love for indie means that you are going to listen to some ‘distortion’ effect. The production is overall guitar-based and the track is all about the innocence of a girl who has a ‘young heart’.