The Sweedish pop star Skott has premiered a new track titled “Kodak and Codeine.” This is her third track since started as an independent artist. The earlier two songs titled “Midas” and “Bloodhoud” were brilliant pop songs. She continues the streak with “Kodak & Codeine,” which is equally brilliant.
Skott grew up in a small community in Sweden. Luckily for Skott, this community has its own language and rich music culture – something that contributed heavily to Skott’s artistic genius. She made her debut in 2016 and has never looked back ever since.
This new track is a breakup anthem. It teaches and guides you on how to get out of a toxic relationship without hurting your ego. She opens the song by talking about the mood swings and by the time she reaches the chorus, she knows its “Kodak and codeine and I let you in ’cause of our history.”
While talking about the song, the artist explained that it’s about meeting someone and then knowing each other better than anyone else. It’s then that you build a bubble around you that makes you ignore the other existence, believing its only to of you. But it doesn’t take time to realize that it’s not TWO of you but it’s actually one-man kingdom. You can listen to this latest track by Skott below.