
Watch Madonna’s ‘World Of Madame X’ Documentary

Madonna seems to know everything about creating a music era and that’s exactly what she’s doing these days. Apparently, the formula is simple: deliver a great album, follow it up with powerful visuals, and keep doing some promotions. However, for Madonna, there is more to it. Her “World Of Madame X” documentary is proof of that.

The American singer released the documentary film recently. It’s 23-minutes long and came out on Amazon Prime Exclusive. As the name suggests, the documentary is about Madame X, how it all started, and how this side-project turned into a major project for the singer. It all changed and this became her streamlined project after she met the singer Dino d’Santiago.

With Dino, Madonna went to living-room sessions where various singers would jump in to make new music. All these people Madonna met were genuinely interested in making beautiful music and that was the thing they loved the most. Madonna was inspired as she noticed that money had nothing to do with these musicians. Music was their only interest and their only passion. After she collaborated with them, it only took her a week to make beautiful music by adding synch and chopping out guitar sounds. Watch the documentary preview below to get an idea what this is all about.

Watch Madonna’s ‘World Of Madame X’ Documentary Preview

Post Author: David Watt