Vengaboys 2 Brazil

Single review: Vengaboys – ‘2 Brazil’

Let’s face it, it’s going to be the video that everyone talks about. But concentrating on the music for the moment, this re-make and re-release of a song from their first album (and their second single) hitting the charts for the world cup, is actually one of the best “new” songs of the year: upbeat, simple, catchy and with a strong world cup sound, it’s a winner.

Yes, it may sound very much like ‘The Vengabus’ at times, but it’s a fun song that doesn’t take itself seriously and will keep the 90s fans of the band happy, plus it’s a much more solid and enjoyable version than the original, with a chunkier sound.

Plus the video going viral probably won’t do it any harm!


Post Author: Philip Lickley