Hayley Kiyoko has premiered a new single titled “Curious” and it’s already a contender for the best song of 2018. It’s the new song from Hayley’s upcoming debut LP.
Hayley Kiyoko has been doing a lot of stuff recently. You may remember her electro-pop anthems such as “This Side of Paradise”. She also released an EP in 2016, which was critically acclaimed by various music bloggers and critics alike. Continuing on the same trajectory, Hayley has released the new single “Curious”.
“Curious” is already being dubbed as the best pop song of 2018. Hayley has delivered a great LGBT pop song that’s honest and has lyrics that are easy to relate. The song is about self-respect and knowing when to walk away from someone. I’m sure many of us would be able to relate to it and enjoy the beautiful vocals over a powerful pop composition.
Hayley’s debut album is titled “Expectations” and it will hit the stores in March. I’m sure she is already considering giving us a sizzling visual for “Curious”. After all, the song totally deserves it and not giving us visuals soon would be not meeting the ‘expectations’. Give this new song a listen and see how desperately you want a visual for it.