Grace Carter has released a new single titled “Amnesia.” The track arrived at a perfect time of the year considering it’s a personal track about forgiveness and healing. She wrote the song a few months back while she was with her father. It was a reunion and she was forgiving her dad and moving on. The moment inspired her to write this song.
Grace begins “Amnesia” by asking a question “How did you get amnesia when you promised the most? How could you go so far from me, when I needed you close?” She opens the song asking the questions that have been underlying for long and have been stopping her from healing. She knows it deep down that the only way is to forgive. “I forgive you for all that you’ve done. I forgive you for losing my love and for making me feel like I’m not enough” the 22-year-old singer sings.
While talking about “Amnesia”, Grace told the media that she has made a lot of songs about her childhood and rejection. She felt it was about time she forgives and moves on instead of staying in the same phase forever. Everyone makes mistakes and we can’t just keep holding on to them.
It’s a powerful new single. Her vocals are clear and songwriting is mature. Listen to it below.