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5 Music Stars and their Special Relationship to CBD

Since the day New Orleans jazzmen brought the plant back from Mexico, cannabis has influenced the music world forever. Singers, composers, and bands have integrated it into their personal lives and their creative processes. Check out these five major music stars and their relationship to CBD.

Louis Armstrong

Far from the smooth image of this jazz monument, Louis Armstrong plays the role of pioneer as a musician using marijuana. As early as the mid-1920s, Louis Armstrong used it before his live performances and recordings to benefit from better focus and relaxation effects of CBD (like with the CBD oil capsules UK). In 1930, he even avoided a prison sentence after being arrested for possession. There is alos the unbelievable moment, when Louis Armstrong met Richard Nixon in an airport in Jamaica and asked him to carry his horn case, which was loaded with weed!

Bob Marley

It’s undoubtedly the icon that immediately comes to music fans’ minds when cannabis is mentioned. Since the beginning of his career, Bob Marley has always been an ambassador in his own right. His positions were clear, going as far as to give the name “Kaya” to one of his albums. The Jamaican reggae man even dedicated his latest compositions to legalization and acknowledged that the plant helped him convert to Rastafari in the late 1960s.

The Beatles

Bob Dylan himself introduced The Beatles to weed by , during their first tour in New York City in 1964. John Lennon later explained that cannabis was part of the English group’s work routine, from breakfast to interviews, recordings and concerts.

“If people can’t deal with the fact that other people are smoking weed, then we’ll never get anywhere.”

John Lennon

Willie Nelson

The American country music star is another staunch cannabis advocate. Since the 1970s until today, Willie Nelson has always been at the forefront of the fight for the recognition of the plant. To the point of creating its own brand of cannabis in the United States.


A pop star among pop stars, Rihanna is known for her many escapades and for her radical positions. Cannabis is one of them. On Instagram, it is not uncommon to see the star smoking. She claims her own personal consumption. Even a little too much since tabloids had revealed that Rihanna had been kicked out of a hotel after having consumed too much.

Post Author: Harvey Dyer