“Two Of A Crime” is a new track from Miranda Lambert. The track features in original motion picture “Hot Pursuit” starring Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara. Since the movie is pictured in Texas, it has to had some country music.
The movie is a comedy and is directed by Anne Fletcher. It will be released in theaters on May 8 but the soundtrack is already here so you can hear a glimpse before the movie is released. The soundtrack will feature new country music. The first track from the movie to be released is “Two Of A Crime” which is performed by Miranda Lambert. You can hear this song after the jump below.
If you listen to “Two Of A Crime”, you will know that it’s probably the best soundtrack that could fit theme for “Hot Pursuit” movie. The movie takes us to the typical police vs drug lord scenario where Sofia plays the drug lord whereas Reese Witherspoon plays the cop. As both come across, Reese starts facing problems unless she finally becomes a partner in crime with Sofia. The track “Two Of A Crime” acts as a perfect country track to elaborate the situation.
“Two Of A Crime” is an uplifting country track that you are going to love with Miranda Lambert’s vocals. Miranda sings about being together and being there for the other person despite the fact that one is a cop and the other is a criminal. You can listen to the song below.