Human single Christina Perri

Single review: Christina Perri – ‘Human’

Christina “Jar of Hearts” Perri is back with single number one from her ‘Head or Heart’ album. ‘Human’ is a slow moving ballad that is half bucket list of ideas and half motivational speech, the kind you’d do in front of a bathroom mirror on a morning when you can’t be bothered with the day ahead.

The verses are slow and ponderous and the lyrics have pretty much written themselves with the list format, but give it time as the chorus is much better and sounds like one that will be adopted by the internetters and teenagers out there, sort of like a slower ‘Firework’ from Ms Perry.

It’s a little slower than you’d expect but the hooky chorus is pretty memorable and it holds the song together. It’s not another ‘Jar of Hearts’ but it’s a welcome comeback.
Buy: Human


Post Author: Philip Lickley

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