“Pretty Girls” is the new song from Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea and to be honest, this song isn’t for you unless you are actually ‘pretty’. If you are the true audience of this track then you are going to absolutely fall in love with this anthem.
“Pretty Girls” was due for release on May 5 but it did hit the internet before that. Someone leaked the track 2 days before its official release. Nevertheless, you can listen to the official release now without annoying RCA. The leaked version that some of you may have heard earlier was only 2 minutes 44 seconds in length so now you can expect to listen at least the full song.
“Pretty Girls” sounds much like the hottest song of this summer. It is still far from getting that prestigious honor but still we think it has everything to become one or at least be a strong contender. Since the track is a urban pop sound, it sounds sassy and Britney has really pushed the limits with this track. You are going to love her part in the song especially in her second verse. And we already know that Iggy is a super girl when it comes to collaborations. She might not be that awesome with her singles but she always nails it with collaborations and she has done the same this time. Now think of a track talking about pretty girls and you see two of the most pretty girls singing it for you!