No need to wait anymore! You can trust me with this that The Britsish Singer and Songwriter, “Rita Ora” has finally released her much anticipated second studio album, “Phoenix”. She released her debut album titled, “Ora” back in 2012 on 27th of August. So, It’s been a long time, fans? I appreciate that how patiently […]
Tag: Phoenix
Stream Phoenix’s new album ‘Bankrupt!’
Next week French band Phoenix are releasing Bankrupt! the follow up to their 2009 breakthough album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. But if you’re the type who likes to try before you buy, then iTunes are currently streaming the whole thing in full – which you can get to by clicking this link: Bankrupt! iTunes stream. Read […]
Album review: Phoenix – ‘Bankrupt!’
Phoenix – Bankrupt! {rating} Buy: Bankrupt! Who are Phoenix? They’re a French alt rock band who built up a strong cult following over the course of their first four albums, before garnering mainstream attention and widespread acclaim for album number five – Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix – in 2009. They are: Thomas Mars (vocals), Deck d’Arcy […]
Rita Ora’s Second Album, “PHOENIX” Will Be Released On November 23rd. Have a Look At The Cover:
The English Singer and actress Rita ora made her debut by releasing her first album titled , “Ora” back in August 2012. She has not dropped any other album after that. Life has been so unfair, i mean it’s been 6 long years without any rita’s new album. It has been rumors everywhere for the […]