CBD Reakiro UK

5 Music Stars and their Special Relationship to CBD

Since the day New Orleans jazzmen brought the plant back from Mexico, cannabis has influenced the music world forever. Singers, composers, and bands have integrated it into their personal lives and their creative processes. Check out these five major music stars and their relationship to CBD. Louis Armstrong Far from the smooth image of this […]

Top 10 acoustic guitar songs – ever!

I had the idea to do a post about the best acoustic guitar songs and thought it would be fun to try and put together a list of my favourites. As soon as I started though, the ‘fun’ turned to despair as I had to start choosing which classics to include and which to leave out. It’s not easy, trust me!

After much deliberation, here’s my list of the best acoustic guitar songs ever recorded. Some aren’t strictly acoustic, but they’re all heavily-reliant on an acoustic guitar.

I’d love to know what you guys think so leave your suggestions in the comments at the bottom and maybe we can start building a bigger list.

01. Pink Floyd – ‘Wish You Were Here’

Read more about Top 10 acoustic guitar songs – ever!