Echosmith is a Southern-California band comprised of four members. They released their debut album titled “Talking Dream” back in 2013. “Cool Kids” is their latest single from debut album. Like most other songs, “Cool Kids” is about teens and their insecurities in life.
“Cool Kids” is quite a brave teen song. Although the lyrics aren’t exactly though provoking, the music is still good. The song is about a boy and a girl who has developed an association based on their inability to fit into the crowd. They are insecure and they are finding it utterly difficult to become the ultimate ‘cool’ kids. The light guitars and a synth melody along with a catchy story of real-world teens prove to be provides a perfect single for Echosmith to launch them into the stardom.
Sydnee Sierota provides vocals for the track. His whimsical vocals sound provide the necessary spark as the song tries to reminiscent the feelings of innocent times when mixing up with ‘cool’ kids never really mattered, of times when this wasn’t even on the mind of any of the kids.
Some fans might feel a little unfilled due to average lyrics but still the song is a surefire hit with its catchy melody and light guitars. If you are into indie pop, “Cool Kids” is a good listen.