Liam Gallagher – greatest frontman of all time?

Liam Gallagher has been voted the greatest frontman of all time by the listeners of XFM. The Beady Eye and former Oasis singer easily beat Freddie Mercury  into second place – getting more than twice as many votes as the Queen singer.

Responding to the poll, Liam was typically modest – telling XFM DJ Steve Harris:

“Greatest frontman? I knew that anyway! There’s not many of us about. There are a lot of pretenders out there. But I’d like to thank everybody for voting and stuff. Nice one.”

Now, we’re all for Liam getting the nod on this, but we do have a few issues with the poll. The fact that Chris Martin managed to squeak into the top 20, for instance, is a sorry state of affairs. As is the notable omissions of Richard Ashcroft and Jack White. But hey-ho, it’s all a bit of fun so let’s not analyze it too much!

If you want to see the top 20, head over to the XFM site here: Top 20 Frontmen Of All Time.

Below we’ve selected a few choice videos of Liam at his absolute best. Let us know in the comments if you agree with the poll…

Post Author: Luke Glassford

All-Noise was founded in 2010 with just one simple aim – to highlight and celebrate ‘proper music’, made by real people with real musical inspirations.

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