Demi Lovato was a star guest on American Idol on Thursday where she performed her new single “Stone Cold” and hit single “Confident”. Both the performances were filled with energy and Demi made it all look like a big family with contestants of the last season of the talent show, she did over-sing her new single “Stone Cold” and made quite a mess of it.
When she performed “Confident”, she was really ‘confident’ and it showed through her performance. However, she was unable to impress with her new single, which had to be the ‘real’ thing. She brought in a lot of emotion and feelings into her performance but it looked a little over-the-top. She probably needed to look just a little ‘real’ and it could have been a wonderful performance. I don’t think she actually needed to ‘belt’ out the song lo loud. It was like she is forcing her vocals out, just to gain more pitch on every verse. I don’t think that’s the right way for Demi.
The song may sound better if Demi decides to slow down on belting the vocals a little. Maybe she can do a slow tempo version and see how it comes out or maybe she can just improve her rendition and work her throat out a little instead of ‘pushing’ vocals through. Check the performance below and decide for yourself.